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Development of Current Situation,Problem and Counter Measure Research on Newspapers and Periodrcals of Shaanxi(PDF)


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Development of Current Situation,Problem and Counter Measure Research on Newspapers and Periodrcals of Shaanxi
ZHANG Ji-yuDU MinJIANG Wan-shengBAO Hai-bo
News Publish and Science Research Institute of Shannxi Normal University, Xi′an 710062,China)
newspapers and periodicals of Shaanxiresearch of newspapers and periodicalsstaff of newspapers and periodicals fieldcustomer staffstructure of newspaper and peroidical
The developing achieverent of newspapers and periodicals of Shaanxi are satisfactory have obvious advantages. For instance, Personnel structure is reasonable; the editor staff brim over with vigour and vitality;editors of each newspapers and periodicals are good at hold trend of the trims and pay attention to social benefits;the idea of running newspapers and periodicals have been changed little by little and consciousness of top-quality product is constantly enforced;the variety of newsparpers and periodicals is satisfactory,it's reader gronp is steady; the inner administration of newspapers and periodicals is in order and consciousness of reform strike rootin the hearts of people.But field of newspapers and periodicals of Shaanxi also exists some problems which are worthy of researching and solving. For example,the offrcer's moral level should be constantly enhanced; structure of newspapers and periodrcals need to be adjusted; economic efficiency of newspapers and periodicals is also need to be raised.Newspapers and periodicals of Shaanxi would be continualy taken lots of effort as following if they are wished to get much more development.The feature of newspapers and perioclicals should be enforced;the consciousness of top-quality product should be emphasized;management should be reinforced;economic efficiency should be raised;communication and cooperation among medium should be noticed in order to realize mutually complementary;training branch should be actively establised so that staff could be cultivated again.


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Last Update: 2002-12-20