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Research on the investment efficiency of human capital in Chongqing Qinling-Daba mountains(PDF)


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Research on the investment efficiency of human capital in Chongqing Qinling-Daba mountains
XIAO Ya-cheng QIN Yao
School of Economics and Management,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China
Qinling-Daba mountains human capital health human capital education human capital investment efficiency labor force
In order to explain to what degree the investment of human capital can promote the regional economic growth in Chongqing QinlingDaba mountains, this paper reviewed previous studies on the mechanism of human capital and economic growth, and introduced the expansion Solow model of human capital to make empirical analysis according to the principle of index representativeness and data availability. The results show that the investment efficiency of human capital in QinlingDaba mountains of Chongqing is far lower than the national average, the investment of education human capital is effective, and the investment of health human capital and labor force is inadequate. The capital investment in material is excessively high, which is the main reason to affect the local economic development. The educational resources should be optimized from two aspects, hardware and software, and the investment of education human capital should be increased to promote the economic development of the mountain area. The investment efficiency of health human capital should be improved and the equal medical insurance system of urban and rural integration should be established. In addition, the social capital should be introduced into education and health care. The talent and technology exchange meeting should be held to introduce various types of talent team, strengthen the schoolenterprise cooperation, and improve the investment efficiency of human capital in aspects like training management and technical talents.


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Last Update: 2017-03-07