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 Study on international trade and wage inequality issues


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 Study on international trade and wage inequality issues
 YU Miaojie HEI Ye
China Center for Economic Research & National School of Development, Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
international trade wage inequality labor market H-O model firm heterogeneity outsourcing
 The global economy is increasingly growing into two prominent trends: there is an evercloser economic connection among countries,while at the same time wage gap is exacerbating in these countries. To analyze the casual relations between economic globalization and wage inequality, this paper reviews literature related to this issue and sorts them out from 4 aspects:HO model,firm heterogeneity,outsourcing and firm’s technology choice. Research shows that the classical HO model is very restricted,while firm heterogeneity,combining effective wage,matching and labor market friction can have influence on workers’ wage;outsourcing between countries with different structures can have different impacts on heterogeneous workers’ wage,and technology choice increases workers’ skill wage premia. Research shows that globalization has few or no significant impact on wage gapamong heterogeneous workers,and trade barriers can greatly impair firms’ technological innovation and skill wage premia. Therefore,developing free trade,deepening international trade cooperation and expanding openness can improve industrial innovation,enhance skill wage premia,thus to achieve further “modernization” of firms and workers.


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Last Update: 2019-05-15